Your Donations can help MCAAC a little or a lot!
Please use the Donate button above to make a donation in any amount.
You can also renew your membership using the Donate button. Just send us a message after you have completed your donation and let us know that you’d like it applied to your membership.
- Benefactor: $1000
- Sponsor: $500
- Patron $250
- Sustaining $100
- Supporting $50
- Family $35
- Individual $25
- Student: $15
- Business Honor Roll: $200 and Up
You may also make your charitable donations by check to Mackinaw City Area Arts Council and mail it to:
PO Box 113
Mackinaw City, MI 49701
To learn more about the donation levels you can choose from for the endowment fund for MCAAC please visit our Endowment Fund page.